How to reduce your bounce rate

A bounce hurts! Or not? One of the evergreen Online Marketing questions: Is a high bounce rate bad? And as is often the case, the answer is: It depends on. If you have a bounce, because the searcher completed his search, it’s fine. But if the user is bouncing back to Google to search again and click on another site, then this is an alarm signal. So there are definitely situations when you shouldn’t have a high bounce rate. Because every bounce could cost you a lot of money. So in this article I want to show you how to reduce your website bounce rate  with a few simple steps.

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IndexNow: What it is & how you can use the indexing service API


Normally you have to wait until a crawler finds your new page, crawls it, and passes it to the indexer, so finally your new page could be found in the search engine result pages. A long and cumbersome way. IndexNow wants to change that! With this service, you could tell search engines directly that you have a new URL that should be indexed. So search engines know immediately that there is a new URL and can prioritize crawl for these URLs. 

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